News & events
News & events
Training manual on community engagement methods for clinical trials
Amidst evolving outbreak responses, gaps remain in understanding community engagement (CE) in biomedical research. CE and patient/public involvement (PPI) are now essential for ethical research and improving clinical trial outcomes. However, evidence on how CE works...
May 2024 – Launch of New Inter-University Diploma between Bordeaux & Conakry
In May 2024, the University of Bordeaux and the Gamal Abdel Nasser University of Conakry (UGANC) have launched a new Inter-University Diploma (DIU) delivered at UGANC, Conakry. The program will address the specific challenges of conducting ethical and impactful...
PREVAC-UP General Annual Meeting, 7th November 2023
On 7th November 2023, PREVAC-UP consortium held its 4th Annual Meeting, in Paris, France. The meeting took place on the sidelines of the EDCTP Congress, which was attended by a large number of our partners. Dr. Debora Bade, Project Officer, and Sayma Siddiqui, Grants...
Joint Agreement between ISPED/University of Bordeaux and UGANC signed
In March 2023, the Bordeaux School of Public Health (ISPED) and the Gamal Abdel Nasser University of Conakry (UGANC) in Guinea forged a landmark partnership, signing an agreement aimed at fostering collaborative growth in teaching, training, and research. This...
A retrospective of 2022: highlights and achievements!
In 2022, PREVAC-UP achieved significant milestones, completing the M36 follow-up with a high attendance rate of 90.5%. The period's standout achievement includes, among other, robust community engagement efforts aimed at sustaining active participation in the study....
PREVAC-UP 3rd General Annual Meeting, 5th October 2022, Paris
On 5th October 2022, the PREVAC-UP consortium held its 3rd General Annual Meeting, in Paris, France. The meeting was chaired by Yves Levy and Barbara Cagniard for Inserm-VRI; and presented work progress alongside with project consortium partners. This face-to-face...
A look back at the project’s third period !
In its third year, PREVAC-UP project demonstrated exceptional adaptability amid the persistent challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and the emergence of the Marburg and Ebola epidemics. Notable achievements included the initiation of a revaccination process in Liberia,...
Highlights of 2020 and significant milestones
In the face of the 2020 pandemic challenges, key achievements included finalizing and obtaining regulatory approval for Protocol version 5.0, as well as advancing the clinical trial amidst COVID-19 disruptions, by adjusting the follow-up schedules. The first batch of...
2019 in review: our main achievements!
In 2019, PREVAC-UP made significant strides in its evolution from the previous phase, PREVAC. In year 1, the focus included updating ethical documents, Standard Operating Procedures, monitoring plan, and community engagement strategies. The parasitological survey,...
The project’s kick off meeting
News & events The project’s kick off meeting took place in Freetown, Sierra Leone on the 12th of March 2019. This meeting gathered the whole PREVAC-UP consortium to present and discuss the planned workprogramme.

PREVAC-UP project is funded by the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP2) programme supported by the European Union. PREVAC-UP also benefits from co-funding from Inserm, the NIAID, the LSHTM and the COMAHS as well as host country support from Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea and Mali.
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